Saturday, September 24th Jackie Wickes from and Bryan Zerr of Know Complaints

If you need online trainer help and positive thinking outlook these are THE guests for you.

Jackie Wicks

Click here and watch a short video from Jackie Wicks No one tells her story like she tells it.


Bryan Zerr


Bryanbegan as a public speaker/trainer for CareerTrack; an international training corporation.  While with there he co-created  a best selling program called, “Self-empowerment – Bringing Spiritual Values into the Workplace”.

He also presented a program called “Self Discipline and Emotional Control”,  based on Rational Emotive Therapy, and a workshop based on Scott peck’s book, ‘The Road Less Traveled”.

In 1995 he became ill with Aids and left Careertrack.  Somehow he made it through so much!

Aside from the struggles he was graced with such a beautiful and poignant experience. He says having Aids taught him so much and impacted his life so dramatically on so many levels that he can’t imagine having had a life without it.  It has been almost all of his adult life.   What an adventure!!!

He claims no affiliation with any one spiritual tradition and has been widely influenced by many. Raised as a Catholic and ultimately free to simply be a seeker of the truth, he have explored Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism as well as most New age and esoteric philosophies.

Highly attracted to Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology, he attendedNaropaUniversityinBoulder,Co., and completed an Authentic Leadership Course as well as an Advanced Coaching Course, and received coaching certification.

His personal journey has been a dabbling and immersion into many different philosophies and teachings. The most influential being the teachings of Jesus, Shinzen Young, Pema Chodron, Eckhart Tolle, Trungpa Rinpoche, Course in Miracles, Thomas Campbell, and other teachers in the Insight Meditation community.

Bryan has much to offer. Come listen take in what we are lucky to receive. 



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Editor but NOT always the writer. Sometimes information source contributor.

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